Pre-reading & Pre-writing
Designed with your child in mind.
Ricardo Reading Mouse®
Pre-reading & Pre-writing Resources
Introducing educationally-sound early years literacy resources to help children acquire essential pre-reading and pre-writing skills. These are invaluable building blocks when learning to read, write & spell confidently!
Great for at-home learning, playgroup, daycare or kindergarten
Ricardo’s Alphabet Gameboard app teaches uppercase & lowercase letter recognition.
Ricardo’s ABC Picture Book introduces letter names & sounds – great for this age!
A perfect way to help develop eye-hand co-ordination, memory & turn-taking abilities
Sing, Dance, Clap! Ricardo Reading Mouse® Songs teach letter names and sounds.
Odd One Out & Spot the Difference help develop important pre-reading & pre-writing visual skills
For parents & children on Learning with Ricardo Reading Mouse® Youtube Channel
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Sarah, Guangchou, China
Enjoying learning her ABCs with Ricardo Reading Mouse® ABC Picture Book
Enjoying Ricardo Reading Mouse® Guangzhou, China
Spending time doing pencil/crayon and paper activities at a young age is vital to assist a child’s development of visual-motor or eye-hand co-ordination skills which are extremely important for children at school, when they need to read and copy text from the board or a book and not lose their place when either reading or writing.
Stephen, Adelaide, Australia
Stephen learning his letter sounds and names with Ricardo’s ABC Picture Book!